Enterprise Shop

Our goal is to teach pupils how to set up and operate sustainable Healthy Tuck Shops and Eco refill shops, which will contribute to a school's overall well being.

Click here to read what staff and pupils say.

Pupils Profit

Learning outcomes:

• Repeated practice of Employability Skills: a sustainable enterprise provides an arena in which to repeatedly practice and develop many essential employability skills, including team work, effective communication, problem solving, leadership and numeracy.
• PSHE Objectives: these skills enable participants to fulfil PSHE objectives of building confidence and resilience to change, contributing to pupils' wellbeing.
• ECO Refill Shop normalises circular behaviour for children and allows a practical response to support the environment; children actively reduce use of single use plastics in their community, and return their bulk containers to the manufacturers for reuse.
• Healthy Eating: the healthy tuck shop delivers a boost to "5-a-day" intake throughout the school, and has been shown to positively impact healthy living beyond the sale of break time healthy snacks.

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Pupils Profit - Enterprise based PSHE learning
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